1 Madam, your majesty is too much sad: 2 You promised, when you parted with the king, 3 To lay aside life-harming heaviness 4 And entertain a cheerful disposition.
5 To please the king I did; to please myself 6 I cannot do it; yet I know no cause 7 Why I should welcome such a guest as grief, 8 Save bidding farewell to so sweet a guest 9 As my sweet Richard: yet again, methinks, 10 Some unborn sorrow, ripe in fortune's womb, 11 Is coming towards me, and my inward soul 12 With nothing trembles: at some thing it grieves, 13 More than with parting from my lord the king.
14 Each substance of a grief hath twenty shadows, 15 Which shows like grief itself, but is not so; 16 For sorrow's eye, glazed with blinding tears, 17 Divides one thing entire to many objects; 18 Like perspectives, which rightly gazed upon 19 Show nothing but confusion, eyed awry 20 Distinguish form: so your sweet majesty, 21 Looking awry upon your lord's departure, 22 Find shapes of grief, more than himself, to wail; 23 Which, look'd on as it is, is nought but shadows 24 Of what it is not. Then, thrice-gracious queen, 25 More than your lord's departure weep not: more's not seen; 26 Or if it be, 'tis with false sorrow's eye, 27 Which for things true weeps things imaginary.
28 It may be so; but yet my inward soul 29 Persuades me it is otherwise: howe'er it be, 30 I cannot but be sad; so heavy sad 31 As, though on thinking on no thought I think, 32 Makes me with heavy nothing faint and shrink.
33 'Tis nothing but conceit, my gracious lady.
34 'Tis nothing less: conceit is still derived 35 From some forefather grief; mine is not so, 36 For nothing had begot my something grief; 37 Or something hath the nothing that I grieve: 38 'Tis in reversion that I do possess; 39 But what it is, that is not yet known; what 40 I cannot name; 'tis nameless woe, I wot.
41 God save your majesty! and well met, gentlemen: 42 I hope the king is not yet shipp'd for Ireland.
43 Why hopest thou so? 'tis better hope he is; 44 For his designs crave haste, his haste good hope: 45 Then wherefore dost thou hope he is not shipp'd?
46 That he, our hope, might have retired his power, 47 And driven into despair an enemy's hope, 48 Who strongly hath set footing in this land: 49 The banish'd Bolingbroke repeals himself, 50 And with uplifted arms is safe arrived 51 At Ravenspurgh.
52 Now God in heaven forbid!
53 Ah, madam, 'tis too true: and that is worse, 54 The Lord Northumberland, his son young Henry Percy, 55 The Lords of Ross, Beaumond, and Willoughby, 56 With all their powerful friends, are fled to him.
57 Why have you not proclaim'd Northumberland 58 And all the rest revolted faction traitors?
59 We have: whereupon the Earl of Worcester 60 Hath broke his staff, resign'd his stewardship, 61 And all the household servants fled with him 62 To Bolingbroke.
63 So, Green, thou art the midwife to my woe, 64 And Bolingbroke my sorrow's dismal heir: 65 Now hath my soul brought forth her prodigy, 66 And I, a gasping new-deliver'd mother, 67 Have woe to woe, sorrow to sorrow join'd.
68 Despair not, madam.
69 Who shall hinder me? 70 I will despair, and be at enmity 71 With cozening hope: he is a flatterer, 72 A parasite, a keeper back of death, 73 Who gently would dissolve the bands of life, 74 Which false hope lingers in extremity.
75 Here comes the Duke of York.
76 With signs of war about his aged neck: 77 O, full of careful business are his looks! 78 Uncle, for God's sake, speak comfortable words.
79 Should I do so, I should belie my thoughts: 80 Comfort's in heaven; and we are on the earth, 81 Where nothing lives but crosses, cares and grief. 82 Your husband, he is gone to save far off, 83 Whilst others come to make him lose at home: 84 Here am I left to underprop his land, 85 Who, weak with age, cannot support myself: 86 Now comes the sick hour that his surfeit made; 87 Now shall he try his friends that flatter'd him.
Enter a Servant
88 My lord, your son was gone before I came.
89 He was? Why, so! go all which way it will! 90 The nobles they are fled, the commons they are cold, 91 And will, I fear, revolt on Hereford's side. 92 Sirrah, get thee to Plashy, to my sister Gloucester; 93 Bid her send me presently a thousand pound: 94 Hold, take my ring.
95 My lord, I had forgot to tell your lordship, 96 To-day, as I came by, I called there; 97 But I shall grieve you to report the rest.
98 What is't, knave?
99 An hour before I came, the duchess died.
100 God for his mercy! what a tide of woes 101 Comes rushing on this woeful land at once! 102 I know not what to do: I would to God, 103 So my untruth had not provoked him to it, 104 The king had cut off my head with my brother's. 105 What, are there no posts dispatch'd for Ireland? 106 How shall we do for money for these wars? 107 Come, sister,--cousin, I would say--pray, pardon me. 108 Go, fellow, get thee home, provide some carts 109 And bring away the armour that is there. Exit Servant 110 Gentlemen, will you go muster men? 111 If I know how or which way to order these affairs 112 Thus thrust disorderly into my hands, 113 Never believe me. Both are my kinsmen: 114 The one is my sovereign, whom both my oath 115 And duty bids defend; the other again 116 Is my kinsman, whom the king hath wrong'd, 117 Whom conscience and my kindred bids to right. 118 Well, somewhat we must do. Come, cousin, I'll 119 Dispose of you. 120 Gentlemen, go, muster up your men, 121 And meet me presently at Berkeley. 122 I should to Plashy too; 123 But time will not permit: all is uneven, 124 And every thing is left at six and seven.
125 The wind sits fair for news to go to Ireland, 126 But none returns. For us to levy power 127 Proportionable to the enemy 128 Is all unpossible.
129 Besides, our nearness to the king in love 130 Is near the hate of those love not the king.
131 And that's the wavering commons: for their love 132 Lies in their purses, and whoso empties them 133 By so much fills their hearts with deadly hate.
134 Wherein the king stands generally condemn'd.
135 If judgement lie in them, then so do we, 136 Because we ever have been near the king.
137 Well, I will for refuge straight to Bristol castle: 138 The Earl of Wiltshire is already there.
139 Thither will I with you; for little office 140 The hateful commons will perform for us, 141 Except like curs to tear us all to pieces. 142 Will you go along with us?
143 No; I will to Ireland to his majesty. 144 Farewell: if heart's presages be not vain, 145 We three here art that ne'er shall meet again.
146 That's as York thrives to beat back Bolingbroke.
147 Alas, poor duke! the task he undertakes 148 Is numbering sands and drinking oceans dry: 149 Where one on his side fights, thousands will fly. 150 Farewell at once, for once, for all, and ever.