ACT III - SCENE II. Ante-chamber to KING HENRY VIII's apartment.
Enter NORFOLK, SUFFOLK, SURREY, and Chamberlain
1 If you will now unite in your complaints, 2 And force them with a constancy, the cardinal 3 Cannot stand under them: if you omit 4 The offer of this time, I cannot promise 5 But that you shall sustain moe new disgraces, 6 With these you bear already.
7 I am joyful 8 To meet the least occasion that may give me 9 Remembrance of my father-in-law, the duke, 10 To be revenged on him.
11 Which of the peers 12 Have uncontemn'd gone by him, or at least 13 Strangely neglected? when did he regard 14 The stamp of nobleness in any person 15 Out of himself?
16 My lords, you speak your pleasures: 17 What he deserves of you and me I know; 18 What we can do to him, though now the time 19 Gives way to us, I much fear. If you cannot 20 Bar his access to the king, never attempt 21 Any thing on him; for he hath a witchcraft 22 Over the king in's tongue.
23 O, fear him not; 24 His spell in that is out: the king hath found 25 Matter against him that for ever mars 26 The honey of his language. No, he's settled, 27 Not to come off, in his displeasure.
28 Sir, 29 I should be glad to hear such news as this 30 Once every hour.
31 Believe it, this is true: 32 In the divorce his contrary proceedings 33 Are all unfolded wherein he appears 34 As I would wish mine enemy.
35 How came 36 His practises to light?
37 Most strangely.
38 O, how, how?
39 The cardinal's letters to the pope miscarried, 40 And came to the eye o' the king: wherein was read, 41 How that the cardinal did entreat his holiness 42 To stay the judgment o' the divorce; for if 43 It did take place, 'I do,' quoth he, 'perceive 44 My king is tangled in affection to 45 A creature of the queen's, Lady Anne Bullen.'
46 Has the king this?
47 Believe it.
48 Will this work?
49 The king in this perceives him, how he coasts 50 And hedges his own way. But in this point 51 All his tricks founder, and he brings his physic 52 After his patient's death: the king already 53 Hath married the fair lady.
54 Would he had!
55 May you be happy in your wish, my lord 56 For, I profess, you have it.
57 Now, all my joy 58 Trace the conjunction!
59 My amen to't!
60 All men's!
61 There's order given for her coronation: 62 Marry, this is yet but young, and may be left 63 To some ears unrecounted. But, my lords, 64 She is a gallant creature, and complete 65 In mind and feature: I persuade me, from her 66 Will fall some blessing to this land, which shall 67 In it be memorised.
68 But, will the king 69 Digest this letter of the cardinal's? 70 The Lord forbid!
71 Marry, amen!
72 No, no; 73 There be moe wasps that buzz about his nose 74 Will make this sting the sooner. Cardinal Campeius 75 Is stol'n away to Rome; hath ta'en no leave; 76 Has left the cause o' the king unhandled; and 77 Is posted, as the agent of our cardinal, 78 To second all his plot. I do assure you 79 The king cried Ha! at this.
80 Now, God incense him, 81 And let him cry Ha! louder!
82 But, my lord, 83 When returns Cranmer?
84 He is return'd in his opinions; which 85 Have satisfied the king for his divorce, 86 Together with all famous colleges 87 Almost in Christendom: shortly, I believe, 88 His second marriage shall be publish'd, and 89 Her coronation. Katharine no more 90 Shall be call'd queen, but princess dowager 91 And widow to Prince Arthur.
92 This same Cranmer's 93 A worthy fellow, and hath ta'en much pain 94 In the king's business.
95 He has; and we shall see him 96 For it an archbishop.
97 So I hear.
98 'Tis so. 99 The cardinal!
100 Observe, observe, he's moody.
101 The packet, Cromwell. 102 Gave't you the king?
103 To his own hand, in's bedchamber.
104 Look'd he o' the inside of the paper?
105 Presently 106 He did unseal them: and the first he view'd, 107 He did it with a serious mind; a heed 108 Was in his countenance. You he bade 109 Attend him here this morning.
110 Is he ready 111 To come abroad?
112 I think, by this he is.
113 Leave me awhile. Exit CROMWELL Aside 114 It shall be to the Duchess of Alencon, 115 The French king's sister: he shall marry her. 116 Anne Bullen! No; I'll no Anne Bullens for him: 117 There's more in't than fair visage. Bullen! 118 No, we'll no Bullens. Speedily I wish 119 To hear from Rome. The Marchioness of Pembroke!
120 He's discontented.
121 May be, he hears the king 122 Does whet his anger to him.
123 Sharp enough, 124 Lord, for thy justice!
Aside 125 The late queen's gentlewoman, 126 a knight's daughter, 127 To be her mistress' mistress! the queen's queen! 128 This candle burns not clear: 'tis I must snuff it; 129 Then out it goes. What though I know her virtuous 130 And well deserving? yet I know her for 131 A spleeny Lutheran; and not wholesome to 132 Our cause, that she should lie i' the bosom of 133 Our hard-ruled king. Again, there is sprung up 134 An heretic, an arch one, Cranmer; one 135 Hath crawl'd into the favour of the king, 136 And is his oracle.
137 He is vex'd at something.
138 I would 'twere something that would fret the string, 139 The master-cord on's heart!
Enter KING HENRY VIII, reading of a schedule, and LOVELL
140 The king, the king!
141 What piles of wealth hath he accumulated 142 To his own portion! and what expense by the hour 143 Seems to flow from him! How, i' the name of thrift, 144 Does he rake this together! Now, my lords, 145 Saw you the cardinal?
146 My lord, we have 147 Stood here observing him: some strange commotion 148 Is in his brain: he bites his lip, and starts; 149 Stops on a sudden, looks upon the ground, 150 Then lays his finger on his temple, straight 151 Springs out into fast gait; then stops again, 152 Strikes his breast hard, and anon he casts 153 His eye against the moon: in most strange postures 154 We have seen him set himself.
155 It may well be; 156 There is a mutiny in's mind. This morning 157 Papers of state he sent me to peruse, 158 As I required: and wot you what I found 159 There,--on my conscience, put unwittingly? 160 Forsooth, an inventory, thus importing; 161 The several parcels of his plate, his treasure, 162 Rich stuffs, and ornaments of household; which 163 I find at such proud rate, that it out-speaks 164 Possession of a subject.
165 It's heaven's will: 166 Some spirit put this paper in the packet, 167 To bless your eye withal.
168 If we did think 169 His contemplation were above the earth, 170 And fix'd on spiritual object, he should still 171 Dwell in his musings: but I am afraid 172 His thinkings are below the moon, not worth 173 His serious considering.
174 Heaven forgive me! 175 Ever God bless your highness!
176 Good my lord, 177 You are full of heavenly stuff, and bear the inventory 178 Of your best graces in your mind; the which 179 You were now running o'er: you have scarce time 180 To steal from spiritual leisure a brief span 181 To keep your earthly audit: sure, in that 182 I deem you an ill husband, and am glad 183 To have you therein my companion.
184 Sir, 185 For holy offices I have a time; a time 186 To think upon the part of business which 187 I bear i' the state; and nature does require 188 Her times of preservation, which perforce 189 I, her frail son, amongst my brethren mortal, 190 Must give my tendence to.
191 You have said well.
192 And ever may your highness yoke together, 193 As I will lend you cause, my doing well 194 With my well saying!
195 'Tis well said again; 196 And 'tis a kind of good deed to say well: 197 And yet words are no deeds. My father loved you: 198 His said he did; and with his deed did crown 199 His word upon you. Since I had my office, 200 I have kept you next my heart; have not alone 201 Employ'd you where high profits might come home, 202 But pared my present havings, to bestow 203 My bounties upon you.
Aside 204 What should this mean?
Aside 205 The Lord increase this business!
206 Have I not made you, 207 The prime man of the state? I pray you, tell me, 208 If what I now pronounce you have found true: 209 And, if you may confess it, say withal, 210 If you are bound to us or no. What say you?
211 My sovereign, I confess your royal graces, 212 Shower'd on me daily, have been more than could 213 My studied purposes requite; which went 214 Beyond all man's endeavours: my endeavours 215 Have ever come too short of my desires, 216 Yet filed with my abilities: mine own ends 217 Have been mine so that evermore they pointed 218 To the good of your most sacred person and 219 The profit of the state. For your great graces 220 Heap'd upon me, poor undeserver, I 221 Can nothing render but allegiant thanks, 222 My prayers to heaven for you, my loyalty, 223 Which ever has and ever shall be growing, 224 Till death, that winter, kill it.
225 Fairly answer'd; 226 A loyal and obedient subject is 227 Therein illustrated: the honour of it 228 Does pay the act of it; as, i' the contrary, 229 The foulness is the punishment. I presume 230 That, as my hand has open'd bounty to you, 231 My heart dropp'd love, my power rain'd honour, more 232 On you than any; so your hand and heart, 233 Your brain, and every function of your power, 234 Should, notwithstanding that your bond of duty, 235 As 'twere in love's particular, be more 236 To me, your friend, than any.
237 I do profess 238 That for your highness' good I ever labour'd 239 More than mine own; that am, have, and will be-- 240 Though all the world should crack their duty to you, 241 And throw it from their soul; though perils did 242 Abound, as thick as thought could make 'em, and 243 Appear in forms more horrid,--yet my duty, 244 As doth a rock against the chiding flood, 245 Should the approach of this wild river break, 246 And stand unshaken yours.
247 'Tis nobly spoken: 248 Take notice, lords, he has a loyal breast, 249 For you have seen him open't. Read o'er this; Giving him papers 250 And after, this: and then to breakfast with 251 What appetite you have.
252 What should this mean? 253 What sudden anger's this? how have I reap'd it? 254 He parted frowning from me, as if ruin 255 Leap'd from his eyes: so looks the chafed lion 256 Upon the daring huntsman that has gall'd him; 257 Then makes him nothing. I must read this paper; 258 I fear, the story of his anger. 'Tis so; 259 This paper has undone me: 'tis the account 260 Of all that world of wealth I have drawn together 261 For mine own ends; indeed, to gain the popedom, 262 And fee my friends in Rome. O negligence! 263 Fit for a fool to fall by: what cross devil 264 Made me put this main secret in the packet 265 I sent the king? Is there no way to cure this? 266 No new device to beat this from his brains? 267 I know 'twill stir him strongly; yet I know 268 A way, if it take right, in spite of fortune 269 Will bring me off again. What's this? 'To the Pope!' 270 The letter, as I live, with all the business 271 I writ to's holiness. Nay then, farewell! 272 I have touch'd the highest point of all my greatness; 273 And, from that full meridian of my glory, 274 I haste now to my setting: I shall fall 275 Like a bright exhalation m the evening, 276 And no man see me more.
277 Hear the king's pleasure, cardinal: who commands you 278 To render up the great seal presently 279 Into our hands; and to confine yourself 280 To Asher House, my Lord of Winchester's, 281 Till you hear further from his highness.
282 Stay: 283 Where's your commission, lords? words cannot carry 284 Authority so weighty.
285 Who dare cross 'em, 286 Bearing the king's will from his mouth expressly?
287 Till I find more than will or words to do it, 288 I mean your malice, know, officious lords, 289 I dare and must deny it. Now I feel 290 Of what coarse metal ye are moulded, envy: 291 How eagerly ye follow my disgraces, 292 As if it fed ye! and how sleek and wanton 293 Ye appear in every thing may bring my ruin! 294 Follow your envious courses, men of malice; 295 You have Christian warrant for 'em, and, no doubt, 296 In time will find their fit rewards. That seal, 297 You ask with such a violence, the king, 298 Mine and your master, with his own hand gave me; 299 Bade me enjoy it, with the place and honours, 300 During my life; and, to confirm his goodness, 301 Tied it by letters-patents: now, who'll take it?
302 The king, that gave it.
303 It must be himself, then.
304 Thou art a proud traitor, priest.
305 Proud lord, thou liest: 306 Within these forty hours Surrey durst better 307 Have burnt that tongue than said so.
308 Thy ambition, 309 Thou scarlet sin, robb'd this bewailing land 310 Of noble Buckingham, my father-in-law: 311 The heads of all thy brother cardinals, 312 With thee and all thy best parts bound together, 313 Weigh'd not a hair of his. Plague of your policy! 314 You sent me deputy for Ireland; 315 Far from his succor, from the king, from all 316 That might have mercy on the fault thou gavest him; 317 Whilst your great goodness, out of holy pity, 318 Absolved him with an axe.
319 This, and all else 320 This talking lord can lay upon my credit, 321 I answer is most false. The duke by law 322 Found his deserts: how innocent I was 323 From any private malice in his end, 324 His noble jury and foul cause can witness. 325 If I loved many words, lord, I should tell you 326 You have as little honesty as honour, 327 That in the way of loyalty and truth 328 Toward the king, my ever royal master, 329 Dare mate a sounder man than Surrey can be, 330 And all that love his follies.
331 By my soul, 332 Your long coat, priest, protects you; thou 333 shouldst feel 334 My sword i' the life-blood of thee else. My lords, 335 Can ye endure to hear this arrogance? 336 And from this fellow? if we live thus tamely, 337 To be thus jaded by a piece of scarlet, 338 Farewell nobility; let his grace go forward, 339 And dare us with his cap like larks.
340 All goodness 341 Is poison to thy stomach.
342 Yes, that goodness 343 Of gleaning all the land's wealth into one, 344 Into your own hands, cardinal, by extortion; 345 The goodness of your intercepted packets 346 You writ to the pope against the king: your goodness, 347 Since you provoke me, shall be most notorious. 348 My Lord of Norfolk, as you are truly noble, 349 As you respect the common good, the state 350 Of our despised nobility, our issues, 351 Who, if he live, will scarce be gentlemen, 352 Produce the grand sum of his sins, the articles 353 Collected from his life. I'll startle you 354 Worse than the scaring bell, when the brown wench 355 Lay kissing in your arms, lord cardinal.
356 How much, methinks, I could despise this man, 357 But that I am bound in charity against it!
358 Those articles, my lord, are in the king's hand: 359 But, thus much, they are foul ones.
360 So much fairer 361 And spotless shall mine innocence arise, 362 When the king knows my truth.
363 This cannot save you: 364 I thank my memory, I yet remember 365 Some of these articles; and out they shall. 366 Now, if you can blush and cry 'guilty,' cardinal, 367 You'll show a little honesty.
368 Speak on, sir; 369 I dare your worst objections: if I blush, 370 It is to see a nobleman want manners.
371 I had rather want those than my head. Have at you! 372 First, that, without the king's assent or knowledge, 373 You wrought to be a legate; by which power 374 You maim'd the jurisdiction of all bishops.
375 Then, that in all you writ to Rome, or else 376 To foreign princes, 'Ego et Rex meus' 377 Was still inscribed; in which you brought the king 378 To be your servant.
379 Then that, without the knowledge 380 Either of king or council, when you went 381 Ambassador to the emperor, you made bold 382 To carry into Flanders the great seal.
383 Item, you sent a large commission 384 To Gregory de Cassado, to conclude, 385 Without the king's will or the state's allowance, 386 A league between his highness and Ferrara.
387 That, out of mere ambition, you have caused 388 Your holy hat to be stamp'd on the king's coin.
389 Then that you have sent innumerable substance-- 390 By what means got, I leave to your own conscience-- 391 To furnish Rome, and to prepare the ways 392 You have for dignities; to the mere undoing 393 Of all the kingdom. Many more there are; 394 Which, since they are of you, and odious, 395 I will not taint my mouth with.
396 O my lord, 397 Press not a falling man too far! 'tis virtue: 398 His faults lie open to the laws; let them, 399 Not you, correct him. My heart weeps to see him 400 So little of his great self.
401 I forgive him.
402 Lord cardinal, the king's further pleasure is, 403 Because all those things you have done of late, 404 By your power legatine, within this kingdom, 405 Fall into the compass of a praemunire, 406 That therefore such a writ be sued against you; 407 To forfeit all your goods, lands, tenements, 408 Chattels, and whatsoever, and to be 409 Out of the king's protection. This is my charge.
410 And so we'll leave you to your meditations 411 How to live better. For your stubborn answer 412 About the giving back the great seal to us, 413 The king shall know it, and, no doubt, shall thank you. 414 So fare you well, my little good lord cardinal.
Exeunt all but CARDINAL WOLSEY
415 So farewell to the little good you bear me. 416 Farewell! a long farewell, to all my greatness! 417 This is the state of man: to-day he puts forth 418 The tender leaves of hopes; to-morrow blossoms, 419 And bears his blushing honours thick upon him; 420 The third day comes a frost, a killing frost, 421 And, when he thinks, good easy man, full surely 422 His greatness is a-ripening, nips his root, 423 And then he falls, as I do. I have ventured, 424 Like little wanton boys that swim on bladders, 425 This many summers in a sea of glory, 426 But far beyond my depth: my high-blown pride 427 At length broke under me and now has left me, 428 Weary and old with service, to the mercy 429 Of a rude stream, that must for ever hide me. 430 Vain pomp and glory of this world, I hate ye: 431 I feel my heart new open'd. O, how wretched 432 Is that poor man that hangs on princes' favours! 433 There is, betwixt that smile we would aspire to, 434 That sweet aspect of princes, and their ruin, 435 More pangs and fears than wars or women have: 436 And when he falls, he falls like Lucifer, 437 Never to hope again. Enter CROMWELL, and stands amazed 438 Why, how now, Cromwell!
439 I have no power to speak, sir.
440 What, amazed 441 At my misfortunes? can thy spirit wonder 442 A great man should decline? Nay, an you weep, 443 I am fall'n indeed.
444 How does your grace?
445 Why, well; 446 Never so truly happy, my good Cromwell. 447 I know myself now; and I feel within me 448 A peace above all earthly dignities, 449 A still and quiet conscience. The king has cured me, 450 I humbly thank his grace; and from these shoulders, 451 These ruin'd pillars, out of pity, taken 452 A load would sink a navy, too much honour: 453 O, 'tis a burthen, Cromwell, 'tis a burthen 454 Too heavy for a man that hopes for heaven!
455 I am glad your grace has made that right use of it.
456 I hope I have: I am able now, methinks, 457 Out of a fortitude of soul I feel, 458 To endure more miseries and greater far 459 Than my weak-hearted enemies dare offer. 460 What news abroad?
461 The heaviest and the worst 462 Is your displeasure with the king.
463 God bless him!
464 The next is, that Sir Thomas More is chosen 465 Lord chancellor in your place.
466 That's somewhat sudden: 467 But he's a learned man. May he continue 468 Long in his highness' favour, and do justice 469 For truth's sake and his conscience; that his bones, 470 When he has run his course and sleeps in blessings, 471 May have a tomb of orphans' tears wept on em! What more?
472 That Cranmer is return'd with welcome, 473 Install'd lord archbishop of Canterbury.
474 That's news indeed.
475 Last, that the Lady Anne, 476 Whom the king hath in secrecy long married, 477 This day was view'd in open as his queen, 478 Going to chapel; and the voice is now 479 Only about her coronation.
480 There was the weight that pull'd me down. O Cromwell, 481 The king has gone beyond me: all my glories 482 In that one woman I have lost for ever: 483 No sun shall ever usher forth mine honours, 484 Or gild again the noble troops that waited 485 Upon my smiles. Go, get thee from me, Cromwell; 486 I am a poor fall'n man, unworthy now 487 To be thy lord and master: seek the king; 488 That sun, I pray, may never set! I have told him 489 What and how true thou art: he will advance thee; 490 Some little memory of me will stir him-- 491 I know his noble nature--not to let 492 Thy hopeful service perish too: good Cromwell, 493 Neglect him not; make use now, and provide 494 For thine own future safety.
495 O my lord, 496 Must I, then, leave you? must I needs forego 497 So good, so noble and so true a master? 498 Bear witness, all that have not hearts of iron, 499 With what a sorrow Cromwell leaves his lord. 500 The king shall have my service: but my prayers 501 For ever and for ever shall be yours.
502 Cromwell, I did not think to shed a tear 503 In all my miseries; but thou hast forced me, 504 Out of thy honest truth, to play the woman. 505 Let's dry our eyes: and thus far hear me, Cromwell; 506 And, when I am forgotten, as I shall be, 507 And sleep in dull cold marble, where no mention 508 Of me more must be heard of, say, I taught thee, 509 Say, Wolsey, that once trod the ways of glory, 510 And sounded all the depths and shoals of honour, 511 Found thee a way, out of his wreck, to rise in; 512 A sure and safe one, though thy master miss'd it. 513 Mark but my fall, and that that ruin'd me. 514 Cromwell, I charge thee, fling away ambition: 515 By that sin fell the angels; how can man, then, 516 The image of his Maker, hope to win by it? 517 Love thyself last: cherish those hearts that hate thee; 518 Corruption wins not more than honesty. 519 Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace, 520 To silence envious tongues. Be just, and fear not: 521 Let all the ends thou aim'st at be thy country's, 522 Thy God's, and truth's; then if thou fall'st, 523 O Cromwell, 524 Thou fall'st a blessed martyr! Serve the king; 525 And,--prithee, lead me in: 526 There take an inventory of all I have, 527 To the last penny; 'tis the king's: my robe, 528 And my integrity to heaven, is all 529 I dare now call mine own. O Cromwell, Cromwell! 530 Had I but served my God with half the zeal 531 I served my king, he would not in mine age 532 Have left me naked to mine enemies.
533 Good sir, have patience.
534 So I have. Farewell 535 The hopes of court! my hopes in heaven do dwell.