2 I did. 3 Though you, it seems, come from the fliers.
4 I did.
5 No blame be to you, sir; for all was lost, 6 But that the heavens fought: the king himself 7 Of his wings destitute, the army broken, 8 And but the backs of Britons seen, all flying 9 Through a straight lane; the enemy full-hearted, 10 Lolling the tongue with slaughtering, having work 11 More plentiful than tools to do't, struck down 12 Some mortally, some slightly touch'd, some falling 13 Merely through fear; that the straight pass was damm'd 14 With dead men hurt behind, and cowards living 15 To die with lengthen'd shame.
16 Where was this lane?
17 Close by the battle, ditch'd, and wall'd with turf; 18 Which gave advantage to an ancient soldier, 19 An honest one, I warrant; who deserved 20 So long a breeding as his white beard came to, 21 In doing this for's country: athwart the lane, 22 He, with two striplings-lads more like to run 23 The country base than to commit such slaughter 24 With faces fit for masks, or rather fairer 25 Than those for preservation cased, or shame-- 26 Made good the passage; cried to those that fled, 27 'Our Britain s harts die flying, not our men: 28 To darkness fleet souls that fly backwards. Stand; 29 Or we are Romans and will give you that 30 Like beasts which you shun beastly, and may save, 31 But to look back in frown: stand, stand.' 32 These three, 33 Three thousand confident, in act as many-- 34 For three performers are the file when all 35 The rest do nothing--with this word 'Stand, stand,' 36 Accommodated by the place, more charming 37 With their own nobleness, which could have turn'd 38 A distaff to a lance, gilded pale looks, 39 Part shame, part spirit renew'd; that some, 40 turn'd coward 41 But by example--O, a sin in war, 42 Damn'd in the first beginners!--gan to look 43 The way that they did, and to grin like lions 44 Upon the pikes o' the hunters. Then began 45 A stop i' the chaser, a retire, anon 46 A rout, confusion thick; forthwith they fly 47 Chickens, the way which they stoop'd eagles; slaves, 48 The strides they victors made: and now our cowards, 49 Like fragments in hard voyages, became 50 The life o' the need: having found the backdoor open 51 Of the unguarded hearts, heavens, how they wound! 52 Some slain before; some dying; some their friends 53 O'er borne i' the former wave: ten, chased by one, 54 Are now each one the slaughter-man of twenty: 55 Those that would die or ere resist are grown 56 The mortal bugs o' the field.
57 This was strange chance 58 A narrow lane, an old man, and two boys.
59 Nay, do not wonder at it: you are made 60 Rather to wonder at the things you hear 61 Than to work any. Will you rhyme upon't, 62 And vent it for a mockery? Here is one: 63 'Two boys, an old man twice a boy, a lane, 64 Preserved the Britons, was the Romans' bane.'
65 Nay, be not angry, sir.
66 'Lack, to what end? 67 Who dares not stand his foe, I'll be his friend; 68 For if he'll do as he is made to do, 69 I know he'll quickly fly my friendship too. 70 You have put me into rhyme.
71 Farewell; you're angry.
72 Still going? Exit Lord 73 This is a lord! O noble misery, 74 To be i' the field, and ask 'what news?' of me! 75 To-day how many would have given their honours 76 To have saved their carcasses! took heel to do't, 77 And yet died too! I, in mine own woe charm'd, 78 Could not find death where I did hear him groan, 79 Nor feel him where he struck: being an ugly monster, 80 'Tis strange he hides him in fresh cups, soft beds, 81 Sweet words; or hath more ministers than we 82 That draw his knives i' the war. Well, I will find him 83 For being now a favourer to the Briton, 84 No more a Briton, I have resumed again 85 The part I came in: fight I will no more, 86 But yield me to the veriest hind that shall 87 Once touch my shoulder. Great the slaughter is 88 Here made by the Roman; great the answer be 89 Britons must take. For me, my ransom's death; 90 On either side I come to spend my breath; 91 Which neither here I'll keep nor bear again, 92 But end it by some means for Imogen.
Enter two British Captains and Soldiers
First Captain
93 Great Jupiter be praised! Lucius is taken. 94 'Tis thought the old man and his sons were angels.
Second Captain
95 There was a fourth man, in a silly habit, 96 That gave the affront with them.
First Captain
97 So 'tis reported: 98 But none of 'em can be found. Stand! who's there?
99 A Roman, 100 Who had not now been drooping here, if seconds 101 Had answer'd him.
Second Captain
102 Lay hands on him; a dog! 103 A leg of Rome shall not return to tell 104 What crows have peck'd them here. He brags 105 his service 106 As if he were of note: bring him to the king.